We are the givers!

Mar 22, 2020

1st glance at this pic of my two girls and the baby dolls… did you see my younger daughter ...far right?! ( this pic!) She kind of blends in with the baby dolls doesn't she?

When I was breastfeeding her at this age, she started having digestive issues that originated from what I was eating.

I LOVED this time w/ each of my kids & just wasn’t ready to end it yet, so I cut out dairy & soy that was suspected to be causing her issues, & low & behold she got better.

The problem came in when I wasn’t getting enough food & nutrition in MY body, so I dropped down to 112 pounds, which you’d never know by looking at her. <Chunky monkey!!>

My body made perfect milk for her, but the inadequate nutrition was also slowly taking its toll on MY body.

This is like a microcosm of what happens in our lives when deprived of nutrition, as moms/parents giving to everyone but ourselves & having sustained high stress!

We can only sustain this for so...

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Sleep and relaxation. How much do you get?

Mar 15, 2020

Do you ever have those days where everything just seems to get to you. I have had a few lately and after a full day of patients and tons of miles to drive, the exhaustion is sometimes too much.

So when I came home the other day and saw this sunset, it just gave me pause, and I decided it was time to take a step back and give myself a little extra TLC.

So that started with a relaxing bath with a bath bomb from My Soul CBD <I highly recommend this particular company for quality CBD products! Use code DOLLY for % off of your order!>

and then a good night’s sleep!

<I actually got eight hours, which pretty much never happens!>

How much sleep do you usually get? If you are anything like me, or have a career like mine, this is a touuuuchy subject!! Am I right?

I usually average about 5 to 6 hours but shoot for 7 if I can.

The truth is, being chronically sleep-deprived throws off our serotonin balance, aka happy hormone, and when we sleep, our organs recuperate, our cells...

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What makes up a life?

Mar 08, 2020


A grade on a test, letters behind a name, likes on a photo, pounds on a scale, a price tag on food or things?


I believe we are made of the thoughts we think, the love and happiness we feel, the memories and life we have lived, who we surround ourselves with, what we choose to do with our physical body consistently, and the quality of the food, hydration, and sleep we give in our body each day.


Do ya feel me on this?


These pics reflect me doing just that. An evolution. 4+ years total and for the last 8 weeks, trying another new workout program that I recently finished.


Nothing drastic. No deprivation. Simple fitness, flexible nutrition, and surrounded with a group of gals that want this for their lives too.


That’s it. It can be complicated or it can be simple. I choose simple.

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Need simple in your life too?

Start with the little...

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Tips for building an internal army of defense to protect yourself and your family!

Mar 07, 2020

Are you scared? Prepared?

Omg, it is amazing how much everyone is in a frenzy over this coronavirus thing. I don't know what to make of all of it and don't really know what is going to happen, but do have a couple of tips to share with you for approaching staying healthy in general, that have helped me and my family tremendously.


In addition to external hygiene, such as handwashing, other things I would consider to sidestep the panic are

  1. the nutrients you give your body daily
  2. reducing your risk of exposure.
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Just as our animals need good nutrition and our cars need gas and oil, nutrition is our lifeline to health, like a tiny army, ready to defend our body from invaders. Giving ourselves high quality food is the most fundamental and most important thing we can do each day for ourselves.


A few basics on nutrition:

1. Whole food is always best (versus pre-packaged with an expiration date),...

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What is your favorite way to enjoy Peanut Butter?

Mar 01, 2020

In celebration of National Peanut Butter Day, what is YOUR favorite way to eat peanut butter? 

I will share a few of mine below, but have a funny quick story. A few years ago, I started reading labels and realized that the peanut butter I grew up eating wasn't exactly peanut butter at all.

I went in search of a brand that was real peanuts and didn't have unnecessary extra stuff in it, like sugar.

<This is one easy peesy tweak you can make... read labels and eliminate the products that add unnecessary ingredients>

So I settled on the Whole Foods brand and then one from my local @heb grocery store. My mother in law was also making tweaks to their eating and did the same.

Well if you grew up eating the typical ones that most of us did and then ate the natural one, you know the consistency is a little different in terms of the natural one being a little more liquidy, right?

So, apparently my father-in-law takes his PB VERY seriously, and did not prefer this transition. One day...

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Changing the narrative on being THAT Mom. It starts HERE.

Mar 01, 2020

I used to say it.

“I don’t want to be THAT Mom... that’s all up in my kids’ business. He/she is smart, makes good grades, and has never given an indication to worry.”

That naive stance worked well, until one day, the world as we knew it came crumbling down, as we stood at a crossroads, ultimately having to make decisions we never thought we would ever face.

Now here is what I know.

An uncensored device is basically giving our child access to the entire world, good and bad, allowing that device to be in our home, go to bed with our child, wake them up, comfort them, and answer any and every question and curiosity.

Just as we can google a certain medical issue and get a spectrum of explanations, most of which aren’t valid, the same goes for whatever they want to know.

Be THAT Mom that leans in to the overwhelm of motherhood and decides not to settle.

Be THAT Mom that takes care of herself first, to be the strong foundation that your family needs.


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