Changing the narrative on being THAT Mom. It starts HERE.

Mar 01, 2020

I used to say it.

“I don’t want to be THAT Mom... that’s all up in my kids’ business. He/she is smart, makes good grades, and has never given an indication to worry.”

That naive stance worked well, until one day, the world as we knew it came crumbling down, as we stood at a crossroads, ultimately having to make decisions we never thought we would ever face.

Now here is what I know.

An uncensored device is basically giving our child access to the entire world, good and bad, allowing that device to be in our home, go to bed with our child, wake them up, comfort them, and answer any and every question and curiosity.

Just as we can google a certain medical issue and get a spectrum of explanations, most of which aren’t valid, the same goes for whatever they want to know.

Be THAT Mom that leans in to the overwhelm of motherhood and decides not to settle.

Be THAT Mom that takes care of herself first, to be the strong foundation that your family needs.

Be THAT Mom that monitors the screen time of her children, knowing that prolonged screen time affects normal cognitive development.

Be THAT Mom that knows the device has many perks and opens up opportunities in the world, but also knows there are dangers in the world that can influence your child without you realizing it.

Be THAT Mom that monitors their device, puts it up at night, communicates with your child, and doesn’t bend to the teen tantrum.

Be THAT Mom your child needs you to be.

Now my stance is... I’m proud to be THAT Mom, for the future I want my child to see!

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Find out how YOU can be the mom that prioritizes herself first, and is the example that your family needs for a life and legacy of wellness HERE

Till next time, be proud to be THAT Mom.

XO Dolly


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