We are the givers!

Mar 22, 2020

1st glance at this pic of my two girls and the baby dolls… did you see my younger daughter ...far right?! (❤️ this pic!) She kind of blends in with the baby dolls doesn't she?

When I was breastfeeding her at this age, she started having digestive issues that originated from what I was eating.

I LOVED this time w/ each of my kids & just wasn’t ready to end it yet, so I cut out dairy & soy that was suspected to be causing her issues, & low & behold she got better.

The problem came in when I wasn’t getting enough food & nutrition in MY body, so I dropped down to 112 pounds, which you’d never know by looking at her. <Chunky monkey!!>

My body made perfect milk for her, but the inadequate nutrition was also slowly taking its toll on MY body.

This is like a microcosm of what happens in our lives when deprived of nutrition, as moms/parents giving to everyone but ourselves & having sustained high stress!

We can only sustain this for so long!

Easy tweaks!

👊Be mindful of this w/food choices & how food is prepared. <Think more baked & grilled, more veggies & fruits, less breading & fried & food that comes from boxes.>

👊Reduce stress! Find an outlet, do a workout, take a relaxing bath, make a puzzle, watch FRIENDS, get enough sleep, more water, PIVOT!

👊Drink a high quality superfood smoothie!

<There are tons of knock off brands of these that will appear to save $$$ but if measures aren’t in place to maintain quality, the nutrition is easily destroyed, so it’s basically a bag of powder.>

I used to think all were created equal, but now I live by the evidence based practice mindset that my Nurse Practitioner mind thrives on.

<Case in point: 3cm rectal mass found, my doc said changes I made 3 years prior, that included all of the above, likely slowed its growth, & to absolutely continue the superfood smoothie for the fiber & probiotics & added health benefits from the adaptogens <cancer fighters> & superfoods like Maca, Camu Camu, and Ashwagandha, among many others, that it contains!

👊I do not share and promote anything that I don't use and wholeheartedly believe in, so I share this emphatically because it has helped me tremendously to tweak my lifestyle with simple and effective tools. Contact me for more details on the specific tools I use and to customize your own plan!





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